Welcome to Turtle Creek Quilter's Guild Blog

Welcome Everyone,

Turtle Creek Quilters Guild meets the third Sunday of every month from September to June at 1:00 PM. Upcoming meeting dates are posted below. We meet at the Dwier Center in Groveville, NJ. Non-members are welcome to attend.

Our meeting dates for 2012 are January 15; February 19th, March 18th; April 15th; May 20th; June 10th; September 23rd; October 21st; November 18th and December 16th.

Please see posts below regarding our various programs and other topics of interest.

For further information, please contact Rita Romeu at Romeur@comcast.net.

This forum is for everyone, so please feel free to post articles, photos, events - anything that you think may be of interest to your fellow members.

Any suggestions or feedback on the blog are always welcome.


Your Program Chair, Rita

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Hi All,

Denise and I attended the MAQGNET meeting yesterday.  This is a group of Education Directors for Guilds that gets together to discuss instructors and workshops.  There are over 50 Guilds represented from about 6 states.  Denise and I saw presentations by two instructors and got a lot of good ideas for future programs.   It was really nice to talk to other Guilds about programs that they had and enjoyed, and other initiatives that are successful for them. 

I gave a presentation on the possibility of having the Gee's Bend quilters coming up and doing a workshop.  I am pleased to report that about 6 other Guilds would be interested in participating with us!!  This may really happen after all.

I will be presenting some of the ideas that Denise and I liked for future workshops and lectures at the next meeting.
